
Frequently Asked Questions

Get answers to frequently asked questions about our cover.

Obtaining Advice

Using all the resources of this site, you can likely decide for yourself the extent of cover you ought to have. If not, learn about obtaining advice.

Underwriting and Terms

Why does my application need to be assessed, and what factors can affect my being accepted? Learn all about underwriting and terms.

HealthScreen Service

Sometimes additional health information may be required to complete the assessment of an insurance application. HealthScreen is designed to make that process easier for you.


Learn about how premiums are calculated.

Free Interim Cover

Get free interim cover while your application is being processed.

Policy Ownership and Beneficiaries

Learn about policy ownership and beneficiaries.

Managing Your Policy

What do I need to do to keep my policy up to date? How do I transfer my policy ownership? Learn all about managing your policy.

Making a Claim

As a policy owner, what documentation do I need and what do I have to do to successfully submit a claim? Learn how to make a claim.

Rate for Age vs Level Premiums

Learn the difference between Rate for Age and Level premiums.


Download commonly used forms for managing your policy or making a claim.

Cancelling Your Policy

Learn about cancelling your policy.

Life Insurance Tools

Do I Need Life Insurance?

I’ve got a mortgage, two kiddies and a handy credit card, so why do I need life insurance? Alright, let’s take you through it then.

Life Insurance Calculator

OK, so I need life insurance. But how much? Where do I start to figure that out? Take it easy. Just use our life insurance calculator.

Life Insurance Quiz

What is your life insurance IQ? How much do you really know about life insurance? Want to find out? Take our life insurance quiz.

Your Health

Reduce Your Risk

How can I avoid becoming a claim statistic? Learn about the top 5 things you can do to reduce the risks to your health and your life.

BMI Calculator

BMI means Body Mass Index, and together with waist size it provides an important measure of your proportion of body fat. Calculate your BMI.

HeartScore® Calculator

What is your risk of developing cardiovascular disease, and what can you do to improve it? Calculate your HeartScore and find out.