
You may cancel your policy at any time.

If at any time during the 15 days following receipt of your policy you do not wish to continue with your cover (for whatever reason at all), you can cancel your policy for a full refund of all premiums paid. Your policy will be treated as cancelled from outset.

If, instead of cancelling your policy, you would like to reduce your cover, please contact us.

If you are in any doubt about whether or not you should cancel your policy, you should seek advice from a financial adviser who can take into account your personal financial circumstances and goals.

To cancel your policy, please complete a Cancellation Form (see below).

Applying for Cover in the Future

Please be aware that if you cancel your policy, we cannot guarantee that you would be accepted for similar cover again in the future, or that you would be accepted on the same terms and at the same premium rates as your existing policy. Any future application for cover would be subject to underwriting and approval by AIA at that time. Changes in your medical history, occupation or income may impact your ability to obtain cover in the future, or the terms on which that cover may be offered.

Cancellation Form

Below is a link to download a Cancellation Form:

Cancellation Form PDF

When completing the form, it is very important that you include your policy number on the form and that all policy owners sign and date the form.


For the Cancellation Form to be accepted, it must be signed using one of the following methods:

  • Print the form and physically sign it in ink (i.e., not electronically, not by tracing your signature onscreen, and not by pasting an image of your signature on the form); or
  • Digitally sign the form with a digital signature platform (e.g., DocuSign or Adobe Sign) which provides a certificate of completion or audit report. If you choose this option, please provide a copy of the certificate of completion or audit report.

When you have completed the form, you may either email a scanned copy (or a clear photo) of the form to us at or post the form to:

  • AIA New Zealand
    Private Bag 92499
    Victoria Street West
    Auckland 1142